It's time to flex those green thumbs and shake out your garden hats!
The Edgemont Community Garden will be ramping up and we need YOUR help.
Please check out our Community Garden page for the latest updates
Edgemont Community Garden Page
Community Garden
Calling ALL volunteers for 2024!
The land is located at 3755 199 Street but this is actually accessible on East Bend just off of East Gate.
We are looking for volunteers to help us 2024 spring and summer. If you love being outdoors, want to learn about gardening, are interested in sustainable gardening practices, and want to contribute to your community (and reap the rewards), we want you!
Volunteer jobs may include:
- planting
- watering
- weeding
- harvesting
- liaising with the Community League Board
- taking photos to be shared on social media
If you are interested in volunteering, please email and we will connect you with the Garden Committee!
Community gardens help purify the air, give residents a place to connect, provide pollinators with a reliable source of food, and of course, help feed members of the community. Our garden has a number of different boxes growing a number of different vegetables. There is even a children's garden!
Our Garden began in Spring 2022 and with the help of an amazing group of volunteers, was a huge success! Join that team today!
Interested in volunteering with the Garden? with your interests and available times!
Volunteers are integral to the success of the garden. It cannot run without your help!
No experience necessary!
Our Garden Sponsors
2022 and 2023
Access to an empty lot was generously granted to us by Brookfield Developments, who are our biggest sponsors as well. In addition to funds, they provided us with a 3-year lease on the lot for the garden. Home Depot West and Windermere donated wood for our generously-sized planter boxes. ProZone Ltd donated our garden soil.